Talking to Leaders - Interview Series

The coach? the outside perception assisting innovation!

When it comes to leadership and management, as a coach it’s important to keep connected with what business needs, and the easiest for this is to talk to business leaders, looking ahead from their perspective. So I did. And last week... I had the luxury of a small phone conversation with Mary Lou Nolan from… Continue reading The coach? the outside perception assisting innovation!

Inspired Coaching

Think again

Thinking coaching is not for you... think again :-). EVERYBODY benefits from a coach. A good coach asks the right questions, the ones you may not want to hear still the ones you need to know. And the answers? They may or may not be there, knowing the questions is enough to expand your choices!

Inspired Coaching, Oups... Are you serious?

Say it the way you WANT it!

Ever heard our unconscious mind cannot process negative... Ever wondered why... Ever wondered how to use that information... Discover 'Say it the way you WANT it!' the second episode of our latest audio series 'NLP on screen' - Enjoy! Episode 2- Say it the way you WANT it! from Talking4good on Vimeo.

Inspired Coaching, Oups... Are you serious?

Building conscious awareness of our experiences

Ever wonder how we become consciously aware of our experiences... How we received information... How much information we received... Discover 'Building conscious awareness of our experience' the first episode of our latest audio series 'NLP on screen' - Enjoy! Episode 1- Building conscious awareness of our experiences from Talking4good on Vimeo.

Oups... Are you serious?

A war on words…

With the upcoming vote for the 'Stability' treaty, a war on words has started in our streets, each side emphasizing its message with single poster format. Why are the words they chose so important? Why the right word is so important for the right message? You see we code our experiences in our brain with internal… Continue reading A war on words…