Building Bridges

For all of us who strive to base our world on communication and collaboration… Smile, Share, Listen, Communicate. The right communication is like a thousand solutions and the foundation to any bridge.

If you have ever thought communication was an innate skills, then this book is for you. Through the exploration of the mediation process, the authors explored a clever framework on communication to facilitate building bridges across people. Get your own copy on amazon; and start building bridges.

They read it. They loved it.

BUILDING BRIDGES is a journey. Ready to start yours? Several steps are available along that journey:

  1. Get the Book, sit back, relax and enjoy the read
  2. Meet with us either Trevor in Devon (UK) or Florence in Geneva (Switzerland)
  3. Join the ONLINE Certification Florence regularly runs from Geneva (Switzerland)
  4. Promote BUILDING BRIDGES in your work and your environment by booking a full day intensive training . Each training is tailored to company needs and audience, and run on demand.
  5. Review quickly our famous ABC &DEF of the NLP attitude and APPLY them.
  6. Share with us how you have been using the model.

What I like most about this expression BUILDING BRIDGES is how we so easily want to be part of that bridge, either building it or crossing it; somewhere we all want to be agent of building bridges.

“Building bridges” automatically creates a strong positive imagery about bridges being built and all the metaphors going along such as hand stretching, parties connecting, association, etc. When we choose our title with Trevor, we had no ideas so many sites were already using this expression; we had no idea there was already this wide community of people wanting to build bridges, and it’s amazing to know that our “embracing NLP for better mediation” is going to add many bricks and steps to all those bridges being built.

For all of us who strive to base our world on communication and collaboration… Smile, Share, Listen, Communicate. The right communication is like a thousand solutions. The right communication is simply the foundation to any bridge!