Speak like a fish

Inspired from Henry Ford… “Either you are a public speaker, or you are not, whatever you choose, you are right… in the middle of public interactions.”

The same way we cannot not communicate, we cannot not do public  speaking. There will always be a time where we will be in front of more than one person with something to express. If I was to define public speaking, it would be something like…  “becoming oneself when expressing ideas with other people” or… “remaining oneself when expressing ideas in front of people on stage”. The common thread of the definitions is “oneself”. To perform well in public speaking, we need to develop skills associated with self-esteem and self-confidence; these skills are the same skills needed for any public interaction and they are the skills of self-leadership.

Available on line, Speak Like A Fish, the book! Just what you need to free the speaker in you.

Step out of the aquarium even more with an intensive coaching program. You will not only develop your public speaking skills, you will become a self-leader

Or bring SPEAK LIKE A FISH in your work environment by booking a full day intensive training. These sessions are tailored to company needs and audience, and are run on demand.

And last share with us your success in public speaking on facebook or twitter #speaklikeafish